Wednesday, March 20, 2013

PicMonkey My New Fave Website

I LOVE this site! is such a fun site. It lets you upload a photo and edit it, add text, create collages, and even add special effects.

I don't know about you but I can't afford PhotoShop, Adobe or any of those really cool, but expensive programs. This one is online and free. Which means it doesn't take up room on my computer and it won't empty my checkbook either.

Just check out these cool before and after photos I created on


They offer an upgrade to get more features, but there are loads of free ones. These photos were don't without any upgrades.

This site is fun for personal or professional use. If you have a blog or business you can copyright your photos. It is also useful for scrapbooking or journaling as well.

* I did not receive any compensation for mentioning or promoting this site. I just thought it was a great site and wanted to share it with others.

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