Friday, September 05, 2008

New School Year = A Fresh Start for At Home Moms

September signals back to school for most of the children in the U.S.A. What will us moms do with all our free time? LOL

Whether your kids are in preschool a couple times a week, 1/2 day kindergarten, or are full-time in grades 1-12, you now have some time to yourself without children or at least less children. Use that time wisely because a new school year can mean a new start for moms also.

Make a List
Start by writing a list of everything you want to accomplish during your lifetime. Do you dream of going back to school for a degree, start your own business, or simply work on craft projects you've been putting off. Maybe your goal is to finish reading a book or perhaps write one of your own. Do you want to learn a new skill like photography, computer programming, knitting, gardening, or scrapbooking? It's completely up to you!

Break out your calendar
Set aside time each week to work toward your goal, just like you would for a doctor's appointment or meeting with your child's principal. By taking small consistent steps toward your goals you will build momentum and ultimately reach your goal quicker than you thought possible. Consistency is key!

Don't Make Excuses
If you dream is to take courses toward your degree consider distance learning through online courses. These allow you to do the coursework when it's convenient for you (during naps, bedtime, etc.)

If you want to learn a new skill check out some books from your local library or try a correspondence course. Many offer affordable monthly payment plans and it doesn't matter where you live.

If you plan to return to the workforce once your kids are in school full-time; practice your skills and keep up on the trends in your chosen field. Perhaps you want to train for a new career. There are other options to taking college courses. Try reading and learning the skills from books, videos, online, etc.

With your little ones in school now is your chance. Schedule some time, even if it's only 10 minutes, to work toward the life of your dreams. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" -- Tao Te Ching

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