
Friday, July 01, 2011

Save Money On Vacation

Here's a couple ways to save money this summer while planning your vacation.

Instead of heading for all the local shops for a souvenir here are a some inexpensive ideas. You've heard the saying "A picture's worth a thousand words" - well take lots of pics. If you must bring home a physical memento try a store that not in the heart of the city - they are usually cheaper than the local tourist traps.

Where to Stay
If possible rent a place that has a fully functional kitchen. That way you can cook you own meals instead of having to eat out every meal. Bring food with you or shop at a local grocery store. Don't forget breakfasts and snacks.

When and Where
Obviously the biggest money saver is when you go and where you stay. To save big go during non-peak weeks (usually mid-summer for beaches or mid-winter for sky areas). If you really want to go during peak weeks try staying a little bit further out of town. Most places charge more when they are closer to the main attractions.

Following these tips you can have still fun and save some money too. Remember the point is to have fun and make memories as a family.

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