
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vacation Organization

With tomorrow starting a nice 3 day weekend for most of us here in the US, many people decide to go on vacation. Here are a couple helpful hints to keep your stuff organized while away from home.

First off, keep all dirty clothes separate. We bring a plastic grocery bag or trash bag for each person and when we take them off the dirty clothes each evening they go right into the bag. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, you can always have them cleaned by the hotel or at a laundromat. It keeps clean clothes clean.

If you have young children try to keep all their toys contained to one room and stored in a bag or drawer when not being played with. We designate a draw for all their toys, because it's easier for them to see everything. Otherwise the bag gets dumped out often.

Lastly, to save time and headaches, pack up as much as possible the night before checkout. Pack away all clothes except what you need the next day. Clean up the rooms and through away leftover food that won't be eaten or taken with you. That way you aren't running around like crazy the morning trying to find everything and getting stuff packed away.  To make sure nothing is left behind do a sweep of each room morning of checkout. You don't want to forget that special toy or blankie.

Just a couple quick little tips to help you stay organized during your trip.

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