
Friday, February 10, 2012

Celebrate Valentine's Day on a Budget

Copyright 2009 Kimberly A Shavatt
If money is tight this year and you can't afford to spend a lot on gifts, there are ways to still have a romantic Valentine's Day. Here are a couple low cost or no cost ideas.

One of the best gifts to give your loved one this Valentine's Day is a massage. A relaxing 15-20 minute back, neck or foot massage can be the perfect ending to their day. Simply rub their back, neck, shoulders or feet - no special training is required. A little time and love is all that's needed.

If your loved one likes more tangible presents, a great place to find inexpensive gifts is your local dollar store. They have an assortment of balloons, flowers, vases, candles, and cards to choose from.  All for $1 or less each.

A popular way to show your love on Valentine's Day is by fixing your special person their favorite meal. It is potentially inexpensive. Plus you show them you care by spending time with them. Prepare them a nice breakfast in bed or delicious home cooked dinner.

Another option is to create a coupon book filled with handmade promissory notes. For example: breakfast in bed, mowing the lawn, washing to car, cooking dinner. Here is a great link to some printable coupons (no cost)  Just print them out and give them to someone special.

Let's face it money is tight for most people right now, but that doesn't mean you have to stop living and celebrating the ones you love. Hopefully these ideas help you have a relaxing, romantic Valentine's Day without busting your budget.

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