
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Friendship Fairy Bread

My kids and I love, love, love these. My youngest brought home "Fairies Cookbook", written by Barbara Beery, from her school library one day last year and we've been making these delicious treats ever since.

Our favorite recipe from the book are the treats called Friendship Fairy Bread. However, my son isn't too keen on the name. What boy really wants to go around talking about fairies? LOL

1 pkg of refrigerated buttermilk biscuits (8-10 biscuits)
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoon butter, melted

1/2 cup powdered sugar
tiny pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon milk (recipe calls for 1 teaspoon, but I've found it needs almost 1 tablespoon to get the consistency right)
assorted food coloring - optional
candy sprinkles - optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. I like to roll them into little balls.

Mix together the sugar, brown sugar and cinnamon in a ziploc bag. Drop a couple biscuit balls into the bag, close and shake.

Fill a muffin/cupcake tin with 6-8 paper or silicone liners. I find smaller biscuits only make about 6 good sized Friendship Fairy Bread treats.

Divide the coated biscuit balls into the liners. Sprinkle some of the remaining sugar/cinnamon mixture on top. Then pour the melted butter on top.

Place in oven and bake for 10-12 minutes.

Remove from oven and let them cool.

Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl. Stir until blended. You also have the option of adding food coloring to make the icing extra special.

Once the icing is mixed, take a small spoon and drizzle over each piece.

Finally, you can decorate it with sprinkles or jimmies.

We don't use sprinkles or any decorations because it tastes great without all that. We eat them as a breakfast treat on special days because they are really similar to cinnamon rolls with icing on top.

You can find Barbara Berry's book on, your child's school library, or check your local public library.  We highly recommend it :)

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