
Monday, October 14, 2013

6 Ways You Can Help Keep Your Marriage Strong

After being married a few years, it becomes easy to fall into a routine. Life can become mundane and relationships can lose that spark.

Let's face it all relationships take work, but to keep your marriage strong and healthy it's all about the little things. Here are 6 easy ways to help keep your marriage strong.


Don't assume flirting is only for the young. Who honestly doesn't want to feel special, loved, and wanted by their significant other. A small bouquet of flowers, some time cuddling on the couch or just hold hands while walking in public are all small, but easy ways to show you care.

Date Nights
Plan time out alone with your partner. Find something both of you can enjoy. Going for a walk in the park, seeing a movie, watching a sporting event, or just sharing a nice meal are all ways to create memories together.

Bring Something to the Relationship
It's easy for parents get so wrapped up in caring for the kids that they forget about themselves. Both people need to bring something to the table. Be an individual, have your own interests, hobbies, etc.

This is important because it gives you something for you to talk about. It's something for you to get excited over. If you have a dull life you won't have anything to talk about.

This is so important. Learn to talk and listen to your spouse. Both people in the relationship need to be able to say whatever they feel without condemnation. They may not always agree with each other, but they will at least know they have been heard. Share your true feelings, opinions, wishes, dreams, cares and worries with each other.

Share Goals With Each Other
One way to strengthen your marriage is to work together to achieve a common goal.  Share your individual goals with each other and as a couple set some family goals too. Working together makes them that much easier to achieve. However, to keep the marriage strong both partners need to feel they are working toward their life goals. It cannot be one sided.

Forgive/Be Accepting
Remember we are all human. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Learn to forgive and acknowledge that everyone is a work in progress. Shift your focus to all the things your spouse does right.

Marriage takes work from both partners. Start by flirting, listening, sharing your feelings, wishes and dreams, and accepting your spouse where they are in life. Start small and over time you will see your marriage grow stronger. Enjoy life and make memories together.

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