
Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Vacation Planner - Part 1

My kiddos only have a couple weeks of school before they are released for summer vacation. Then I will have them for 10 weeks straight. All day - Every day!

Just like most kids they get bored easily, so I need to plan out some activities to keep their summer fun.

I start off printing out a calendar. I always use these adorable calendars created by    I think they are adorable and the kids like them too, but you can use any blank calendar.

First I add any appointments to the calendars to avoid scheduling conflicts. Then I add in any trips that have already been planned.

It's time to fill in the rest. Now you need to figure out what you want your kids to do all summer. Visit a day camp? Go to the local swimming pool or beach? Hang out with their friends? Trips to the library?

One thing we try to do each year is go to the movies. Each movie company holds their own summer promotion. The one near me offers their Cinemark's Summer Movie Clubhouse. It only costs $1 per kid per movie and is offered twice a week at 10 a.m. Some places such as Muvico, offer free movies to kids. Be sure to check your local movie theaters for summer deals.

Also check places like roller rinks, bowling alleys, amusement parks for deals. Many place will offer free or discounted items for children who received "A"s on their report card. It really can't hurt to ask if the company has any specials going on for the summer.

My kids love to read so that is added on our calendar. They read a book every week or two.  Their schools usually encourage reading over the summer with a contest. The kids who read over the summer and turn in a reading log get a ice cream party or small prize when they return in the fall. Here is a reading log we've used in the past from if the school doesn't provide one. Plus here's one I made.

If you need help thinking of some ideas to add to your calendar here is an article that helped me this year. It's 100 Summer Fun Ideas for Kids and Parents from

This summer will be different for us because we've always been able to visit parks, playgrounds, family, friends and of course the library. Now we need to find activities that can be done at home. It's a bit trickier with older kids who get bored easily.

I'm hopeful that it will all work out wonderfully. Feel free to share how you plan your children's summer vacation.

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