
Friday, May 17, 2013

Freebies on Friday - May 17, 2013

This week I've included two ebooks that I thought would be beneficial. It seems so many kids lately have peanut allergies and there aren't a lot of cookbooks specifically for those people. I've also included a book about activities for kids - something I will be talking about in up coming blog posts.

The Food Allergy Mama's Baking Book: Great Dairy-, Egg-, and Nut-Free Treats for the Whole Family

Quirk Books Entertains Your Kids

It's getting a little harder to find quality free samples, but I'm determined to keep looking. Here are 3 I found this week.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday! Enjoy!

* Please note the ebook links are affiliate links but at the time of this publication all the books were listed as free on All the remaining links are not-affiliate links and I am not compensated for sending people to any of them.

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