
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Broken Phone...What to Do?

How many times have you dropped your phone? Have you cracked the screen? Do you have a broken phone sitting in a drawer somewhere? 

A few months ago, my son broke his Apple iPod. He was devastated!  He carried it around everywhere. He used FaceTime to talk with friends, take photos, and play games.

Well like many families, we didn't have an extra $250 laying around to purchase a new one, so I started doing some searching online about how to repair it.

There are repair kits I could purchase from Amazon and eBay, but I didn't feel comfortable taking the entire iPod apart. I didn't want to cause more damage, so I tried to find a company to fix it for us.

That's when I found  You submit what type of electronic you have, what you need done, etc. to their free service, and they will have local technicians offer you quotes to repair it. You pick who you want to contact, if any. 

I received quotes from 4 technicians in my area, but selected one who would pick up and return the iPod for $80. Not cheap, but way better than getting a new one.

Then two weeks later, I broke my iPhone 4, but the same technician wasn't available. I was shopping at a local Radio Shack and noticed they were also able to make repairs. Not all Radio Shack stores offer repairs so check online for the one closest to you.   My phone was done in less than an hour and cost roughly $80 as well.

I have to say it isn't cheap to get the electronics fixed, but it's better than having it sit in a drawer broken.

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