
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Save Money on Pet Costs

We took our little kitten, Noel, to the ASPCA yesterday to get spayed. We originally planned on getting that done at our local veterinarian, but they wanted from $273.70 to $662.96 depending on what options you selected (laser vs. scalpel, microchip implantation, pre-surgical bloodwork, etc.). We really couldn't afford that right now, so we searched for a more affordable option.

Our local ASCPC offers the basic services for $55 for spaying a girl cat. I can't imagine that the procedure itself is all that different from place to place. Both are completed by a certified veterinarian and both include anesthesia so the cat is asleep during the procedure.  I understand there is probably a certain level of care given after the procedure, but one place is a for profit business and another is non-profit.

When it comes down to it, you need to research the facility, read the reviews and way the pros and cons of each location for yourself. Our local ASPCA is clean, has caring, knowledgeable staff and are very affordable. That may not be the case in your area, so do your research ahead of time.
One way you can cut costs while still maintaining your pet's health is by finding facilities that offer
low cost vaccines, spay and neuter, and grooming.

There are tons of organizations available for low cost vaccinations. Simply search for "low cost vaccinations for pets in X" substituting your city or state for X. Here are some nationwide programs that connect you with local organizations. Many even offer services like deworming, flea and tick medications, and other common medical issues for cats and dogs.

I'm very much in favor of getting your pet spayed or neutered. There are really so many kittens, puppies and full grown pets that need adopting already. Beside all the local veterinarians in your area also consider the organizations below to find a low-cost program to have your pet spayed or neutered.  - They also will connect you with shelters, organizations, and vets that offer low cost spay and neuter programs. - Another nationwide network that connects pet owners to low cost spay/neuter programs.

Almost all major department stores (Walmart, Target, etc.) sell brushes, clippers for trimming fur, and nail clippers, so you can keep your pet's coat and nails looking great. Start off small with brushing once a week, so your pet can get used to you doing it. Try clipping their nails while they are sleeping. Many are afraid of cutting the nails down to the quick, but I just clip a tiny, tiny bit off so they aren't sharp.

Here are more resources to help you groom your pet from home.
YouTube offers tons of videos on grooming specific breeds of dogs.

Please share your tips/ideas for saving on pet costs.

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