
Thursday, January 02, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy Day

Sorry today's post was so late. It was a crazy busy day for me.

Today was the first day back to school for my kids and back to work for my hubby. I spent the last couple days relaxing with my family, celebrating the holidays and eventually putting away all the holiday decorations.

My normal grocery day falling on New Year's Day, so it got pushed off till today when everyone was gone. I got to shop alone :) Yes that was nice!

Then I had a little bit of time to put the groceries away, straighten up the house and then it was time for the kids to get home.

Time flies!

To top off my wonderfully productive day, Mother Nature decided to let it snow. I LOVE snow!

Correction.  I LOVE snow in moderation. Here in the mid-Atlantic region we don't get a lot of snow normally.  I feel really bad for all those in the Northeast getting hammered by the snow and ice.

So anyways, be sure to check in for lots of freebies on Friday tomorrow.

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