
Monday, December 09, 2013

Too Busy for the Holidays?

With all the running around, are you too busy during the holidays?

Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, baking, parties, decorations, kid's activities, and more. It's hard to find time to relax during the holiday.

In the frantic race to get everything done before Christmas, it can be hard sometimes to remember your family. Not buying them presents, but the actual spending of time and listening to them.

This holidays set aside time to actually do spend time with your family.

Each year my family makes it a point to sit down most evenings of the season and watch the Christmas shows on television. We are big fans of the ABC Family channel's 25 Days of Christmas. You can see their schedule of shows here.

Another option is to drive around your city at night and look at the Christmas lights displays together. Go for a walk around your neighborhood and admire all the decorations, play in the snow, or just sit and have some hot chocolate together are also options.

Think about what you remember as child at Christmas time. The good and the bad. Try to focus on the good and keep it simple.

Maybe your family would cut a fresh Christmas tree each year and elaborately decorate it. Would it be so bad if you have a small artificial tree with a few homemade ornaments that your kids love? Especially if that meant you had more time to spend with them doing something they enjoyed.

Make a conscience decision to make quality, peaceful time with your family. Don't stress out, don't try to do it all. Just enjoy the season. That's not just for you it's for me as well.

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