
Monday, November 25, 2013

Week of Thankfulness - Day 1 With Thanksgiving Printable

Since this is Thanksgiving week I decided to make it a week full of thankfulness on the blog.

My kids are off school all week and today was my youngest child's Parent-Teacher Conference, so I wanted to express how thankful I am that my kids attend such wonderful schools.

All my kids have gone to the same elementary school. We love the principal, teachers and staff.  Just last week the principal let the students wrap him up with tissue paper like a mummy and in the past he allowed the students to duct tape him to the wall. He knows the names of almost all the kids and even the most of the families.

The teachers are caring, helpful and go above and beyond to help their students. The reason they can do this is because lots of parents volunteer. Not just in the classroom, but in the office, at the copier, even helping out from home.

If you want a great school for your children - start by helping out. Any little bit of time you can give to help out will help make the school better. Giving just 10 minutes copying papers for a teacher can give them 10 minutes more to spend with the students or plan their classes.

Maybe your child's school is not all that wonderful, but one teacher or staff member is. What matters most is there is a person your child enjoys.

I am thankful that there are wonderful adults to surround my children each day. They help them grow, learn and help them nurture their curiosity.

Enjoy this free printable I created to help you remember all the many things you have to be thankful for.  Click Here

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