
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's Time for Some End of the Season Cleaning

It's that time of year again. Time to get your home ready for the colder weather. It's an end to all the fun in the sun, swimming pools, gardens and running through the sprinkler.  At least until next summer.

The colder will be here soon and now is the time to get your home and your family ready for it.


Summer Water Toys
Time to cover the swimming pool and pack away all the summer toys. Any pool or water toys need to be deflated protected from the weather.

The first frost is right around the corner and most of the vegetable plants aren't producing anymore. Time to take down the tomato cages and anything else that isn't permanently in place. This helps to keep your yard looking nice and helps insure your stuff doesn't blow away or break during a storm.

A well fitting cover for your grill will help protect it from the elements. Grill can be quite expensive and this is an easy fit to avoid a rusted out bottom.

Lawn Care
Now is the time to cut the grass on last time and then stow away your lawn mower, weed whacker and edger until spring. Just make sure to leave out the rake - there are plenty of leaves left to round up.

Snow Equipment
While it's still a little warm take your snow blower in to get a tune up to make sure it's in perfect working order for the first snow fall of the year.  Also move your snow shovels to a place that is easy to access.

Heating Unit
One thing you really should do is get your heater/furnace/boiler tuned up. Especially units inside the home because of the danger of carbon monoxide leaks. The earlier in the fall season you schedule a tune up the lower the price usually.


It's important to make sure your chimney is clear and in good working order before you start using it each year. Make sure you have a good supply of wood or pellets on hand early in the season to avoid the higher prices mid-winter when the demand is higher.

Time to put all the shorts and tank tops away for the season and pull out the sweaters and jackets. One big tip is to try the clothes on you or your family haven't worn in a while to make sure they still fit before you store them away.

Insulating the windows and doors help keep your heating costs lower. There are lots of ways to block out drafts of wind. Some are ways are easy and fairly inexpensive such as thermal curtains, hanging heavy quilts over your windows at night, draft stoppers for doors. While other methods are more expensive such as adding more insulation to your attic or installing better doors and windows.

Now is a great time to break out the quilts and blankets to put on your beds or just to cuddle with. This is especially nice when you can just use a quilt instead of turning on your heat when it's a little chilly first thing in the morning.

These are just a few of the ways to prepare your family and home for the colder months. Feel free to share any tips you or your family use during the winter to keep warm.

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