
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Being Thankful for the Little Things

Sometimes it can be so easy to see all the problems in the world. That's when you need to sit down and make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for. Even the little things.

So today is a list of just a few of the things I'm thankful for.
  1. My husband's job 
  2. Being able to be a stay at home mom
  3. An audio version of the Bible on my phone - to listen to any time I want
  4. Music to dance to
  5. Music to sing along with
  6. The smell of fresh cut grass
  7. Pizza and a movie with my family
  8. A beautiful flower
  9. A library close to my house full of FRE*E books to read.
  10. Clothes to wear
  11. A roof over my head
  12. Soft blankets to keep me warm
  13. Good teeth
  14. Chocolate!
  15. A new notebook
  16. A great pen
  17. McDonald's with my family
  18. Stickers from my kids' test papers - I collect them
  19. Running water
  20. Family that lives near by
  21. Watching my kitten sleep
  22.  A hospital within 15 minutes of my home
  23. Snow cones with my kids on a hot summer day
  24. Great teachers and principals at my kids schools
  25. Food to eat
  26. Access to the internet
  27. Access to a television
  28. Kissing my kids goodnight
  29. My youngest still holding my hand
  30. Random hugs
  31. Kiss from my hubby when he leaves for work
  32. Cold sheets in the summer
  33. Drawings my kids create for me
  34. My dogs barking when a stranger comes near the house
  35. Chinese food on special occasions
  36. Little birds that let me know I haven't put food out yet and they are hungry
  37. Leaves turning beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow.
  38. Hot chocolate after a day of playing in the snow
  39. Baby clothes - they are sooo tiny
  40. Watching a plant grow from seed to exciting harvest

What are you most thankful for?

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