
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Week #10 Weight Watchers 360

It is week #10 on Weight Watchers 360° and I lost 1 pound, but again I lost inch-wise. This week I did not stick to my diet though. I went to a birthday party and out to dinner with family. Both times I splurged on yummy (totally bad for me) foods. Yet somehow I still lost 1 pound. Amazing!

While I understand that not sticking strictly to the diet will mean it takes longer to reach my goal weight, I also don't feel like I'm on a diet. I am learning to eat better more often and only splurging occasionally.

This week I wanted to talk about finding healthier versions of stuff my family really likes. I grew up eating home cooked, comfort type foods with a little bit of fast food mixed in, so those are the recipes I looked for.

Macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, ice cream, and more can fit into your healthy lifestyle with a few minor changes.  Portion control is a major part, but also the ingredients you choose are important too.

My major problem before starting this diet has been portion control. I could easily sit down and eat a huge bowl full of ice cream, 4-5 pieces of pizza or even a candy bar or two.  Now I purchase smaller single serving size ice cream and get to eat the whole thing. I also eat 1-2 pieces of pizza with a small salad and occasionally a candy bar - not everyday.

Here are some of my favorite places to find low-fat, low-calorie recipes.  (Paid Membership required)

Once you find a healthier version of your family's favorite foods it will be easier for you to stay on your diet or just to get everyone to eat better.

Short and sweet this week.

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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