
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Goals for the 2013-14 School Year

I'm a stay at home mom with all my kids in school. To be honest, I find it hard to get my home deep cleaned while my kids are home all day during the summer. Some little maintenance projects get put on the back burner, so the kids can get my undivided attention. Plus things like my crafts and blog projects get left by the wayside.

Now that the kids are in school it's time to get back to work "so to speak".

This year I decided to list my goals to accomplish while the kids are in school instead of just winging it. Call it my goals, a honey do list or whatever you want. I just want to get them done. :)

1. Help my youngest master her math facts - 15 min a day Monday - Friday
2. Plan one fun thing to do as a family each quarter. (Sept. - June)
3. Schedule a trip as a family.
4. Reinstate pizza and a movie night once a month.

5. Paint the dining room.
6. Recover my hope chest and stool
7. Clean all the kitchen cabinets fronts or refinish them.

8. Strive to post every Monday - Friday
9. Create at least one new printable every month
10. Write and publish my first e-book

11. Exercise every day 20 minutes minimum (dance, walk, yard work, etc.)
12. Read at least one book every month (Sept. - June)
13. Journal everyday
14. Create one thing every month (craft, sew, quilt, etc.)

15. Fully fund oil for this winter ahead of time
16. Fully fund Christmas ahead of time.
17. Pay off the truck loan
18. Save up for and purchase a new laptop.

These are some of my goals for the school year, but I may probably will add or change them as needed.

I encourage everyone to create goals for themselves. It helps you focus on what you really want in life.  Each of us gets one life - do what you really love. Make sure your time is used most efficiently to make this your and your family's best possible life.

Do you have any goals for this school year? Share them below.

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