
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meet the Teacher Event

Today was my younger daughter's "Meet the Teacher" event at school. It's a 2 hour period where families can come and see where their child's class is located. Most importantly they can meet the teacher. They can also bring in their school supplies, so they don't have to haul everything on the bus.

I wish every elementary school would do this. It allows kids to get familiar with their classroom and not feel so nervous the first day of school. Plus they get to see which of their friends will be in their class with them.

One trick I learned last year was when I visited my child's classroom is to look for their daily schedule. I just used my iPhone camera  to take a photo - quick and easy. Now I know when she goes to lunch, specials, etc. in case I need to schedule a doctor or dentist appointment during the school.

Another trick I've learned is to take a photo of her in front of her locker, so she can remember her locker number on the first day of school.

If you have any tips or tricks to share for the first week of school feel free to leave a message. Thanks!

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