
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week #8 Weight Watchers 360

It is week #8 on Weight Watchers 360° and I didn't lose any pounds, but I've lost a few inches. I'm a little disappointed because I stayed within my points and still didn't lose any pounds, but inches will do.

I've been more committed than ever to losing weight. I love that my smaller clothes are starting to fit and my stomach is getting flatter. It's really exciting.

This week I wanted to warn against drinking a bunch of extra calories. It seems even the beer companies are getting in on the low calorie craze with their 64 calorie beer commercials. They are right - you don't want to waste all those calories on a drink - do you???

You may be surprised to see how much sugar is in your drink.  By the way, this would make a great science project. Here are a couple examples.

Vitamin Water (20 oz bottle)   8 tsp
100% Apple Juice (10 oz)   10 tsp
Coca Cola (12 oz can)   10 tsp
Snapple Lemon Ice Tea (11.5 oz)   10 tsp
Mountain Dew (12 ounce can)   11.5 tsp
Monster (12 oz)   13 tsp
Welch's Grape Juice (10 oz)   15 tsp

Reduce flavored drinks and stick with regular plain tap water most of the time. Save your calories for something nutritious, filling and tasty too.

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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