
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week #7 on Weight Watchers 360

Well this week on Weight Watchers 360°  I managed to lose 4 1/2 pounds. I found some low point value foods I really like.  Basically, I made the system work for me, so I get to eat foods I like and still stay within my point limit. It's easier to stick with it when you like the foods and you don't feel like your missing out on what you love.

One thing I found that I really, really like is scrambled egg whites. Then I add 2 tablespoons of salsa and mix it all up. For a total of 1 point. Awesome!!!  This coming from the person who really doesn't like "diet" food.  I admit it - I'm a fast food lover.

I don't eat out at fast food restaurants a lot, anymore. However, I lost 60+ pounds on Weight Watchers a couple years ago and I ate out every weekday. It was easy because I worked odd hours, had little time, and all the food's point values were listed online.

I'm not, by any means, suggesting you eat out every day to lose weight. I'm only saying you can lose weight even if you need to eat out occasionally. The key is to find healthy choices. A regular hamburger and side salad are usually my meal of choice because I love burgers.

I've only found a couple occasions where the information wasn't listed in Weight Watcher's food point tracking system. It was smaller restaurants, homemade foods, and restaurants having new menus. At which point I entered the restaurant and meal and "nutritional info" into There are lots of sites online that list all the nutritional information that you want.

Once you get the nutritional information, take that back to Weight Watchers online tracking and enter it to find the points value.

I'm almost down 10 pounds and am totally psyched! My clothes are getting loose and my stomach is getting flatter. LOVING this!!!

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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