
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week #4 on Weight Watchers 360


This is week #4 for me on Weight Watchers 360° and I'm down 2 more pounds. Not too shabby :)

I wanted to mention something that has really helped me this week. It's to eat more fruits, veggies and whole grains.

Have you ever found yourself saying "I just don't feel full"?  Well, I did all the time. I really never felt full. I could just keep eating and eating all day. Then I realized that what I was eating had almost no nutrients in them. Foods like potato chips, cookies, cakes, etc.

I noticed on Weight Watchers I would run out of points pretty quick and still feel hungry, so I started eating more fruits and veggies that were 0 points. I'm a huge fan of bananas, cantaloupe, watermelon and broccoli, so it wasn't too hard to eat them more often.

I would actually feel full (well almost), but I felt much more satisfied when I finally switched my regular breads for whole grain. They had a better taste and finally filled me up.

I started off slow by switching my mini bagel at breakfast from regular plain bagels to whole wheat. Plus I added a fruit or veggie to every meal.

Not a fan of fruits and veggies? Maybe you just haven't found the one you like - there are tons to choose from. One idea is to go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant and sample different ones until you find one you like. The same goes for different types of breads and pastas.

You may be thinking that fruits and vegetables cost a lot more than prepackaged foods. That is true, but it takes less food to fill you up when it is full of nutrients.

So bottom line your fruits and vegetables! Just like your parents and grandparents have been saying all along.

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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