
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week #3 with Weight Watchers 360

This is week #3 on Weight Watchers 360 and I've lost right around 4 lb this week. Not too bad if you ask me. I'm pretty happy with it.

The one thing I've found most helpful is using a food log. Both times on the Weight Watchers' diet I've used their mobile food/activity tracker. (see photo below)

I list EVERYTHING I eat on there. Even if it's just one cookie or a couple grapes. If I eat it - it get listed.

I like that I can see how many points I have left at any time throughout the day via my phone. I can record foods and activities while I'm out. Most importantly I can see how many points a food will cost me.

My only complaint is that you cannot add recipes to the mobile app. For example, I ate enchiladas last night that I made from scratch and I needed to add it by adding the recipe online. No big deal really, but it had to wait till I could get online. This is a little annoying when you are eating at someone else's house and they make something. In that case I usually find something similar that's already listed in their database.

If you prefer paper and pencil log there are plenty of free printables you can find online. Just make sure you record everything you eat. The little snacks here and there are what ruin your diet. All those little calories add up.

Well bye for now and see you tomorrow.

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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