
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week #2 with Weight Watchers 360

This is my second week on Weight Watchers 360 program. I must confess I didn't follow it very closely a couple days. I was busy celebrating my 40th birthday and my 16th wedding anniversary this week. There were dinners out, cake and ice cream too. To be honest I kind of gave up for a couple days.

The good news is I'm back on the plan and motivated to lose the weight. Plus I didn't really gain any weight being off the plan for a couple days. I even lost a couple inches.

So I know I've mentioned in a previous post that I couldn't afford Weight Watchers, I want everyone to know it really isn't that expensive if you catch them having a sale.

Right now Weight Watchers is having a sale (through 6/29/13).  It costs $1 to sign up if you purchase a 3 month savings package for online memberships. The total comes to $57.85 for 3 months membership after that it's $18.95 a month. If you just wanted to sign up for one month you would pay $48.90 ($29.95 sign up fee and $18.95 for first month).

For less than $20 a month you get access to loads of online tools. (Does not include meetings).  That's only $5 a week. It's less than the cost of one meal at a fast food restaurant.

Plus you also get a FREE Summer Starter Kit if you purchase a 3 month online membership by 6/29/13. It includes:
  • Summer Success booklet - with weight-loss tips, tools and strategies
  • Entertaining Guide - with menus and tips for 4 classic summer celebrations
  • Exclusive Tote Bag
  • Weight Watchers coupons
I have to honestly say their program does work when you stick to it. I've lost over 50lb in the past using their program. It wasn't hard once you got used to it. Once it's a routine - it's pretty easy.

Well I'll write about my journey again next Wednesday. Wish me luck! 

* This post is sponsored by Weight, but ALL opinions are completely mine and 100% honest. These are my actual experiences and feelings about following Weight Watchers 360° online program.

**  People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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