
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Who Are You Supposed to Be

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

Short on time today and thought I'd share this wonderful quote that I've been thinking about lately. Trying to figure out who I am. Call it a mid-life crisis or whatever. Trying to figure who I am beside a wife and mom. I used to be a cheerleader, secretary, dancer (jazz & contemporary). I guess you can say I'm trying to find my voice - my passion.

I does this help moms at home? Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been home with their kids and feel like they've lost their identity. After spending so much time caring for our family and neglecting our own interests because of limited personal time.

So I've decided I want to try a bunch of things that interest me and see what I'm good at. Here's a couple things I've found so far that make me -- me.

* I love writing lists (with a pen on paper)
* I love dancing
* I love music (anything I can sing or dance to)
* I'm definitely a cat person
* I really like growing a vegetable garden, but hate weeding
* I'm a total conspiracy theory nut
* I love to bake desserts but hate to cook meals.
* I used to be a cheerleader for a professional sports team (actually 2).
* I get really bad sunburn every year and that's the main reason I had to quit my last job.
* I really love calendars/planners
* I'm a hoarder of printable forms
* Completely hate flying but love watching planes.
* and I really don't like chevron (zig zag) prints that are so popular right now - yuck!

I tried scrapbooking but became stressed because I couldn't get it to look the way I want. I also tried crocheting a blanket which turned out okay, but took me forever to complete. Next I think I'll try journal/book making because I've made the little books and loved it. I'll post pics soon.

So just wondering have you always known what you're good at or did you have to try various things???

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