
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fun with Flat Stanley

My niece in first grade is doing a project based on the book, Flat Stanley. Luckily, she choose to send us Flat Stanley to visit for a week or so.

In case you aren't familiar here's the brief description. Flat Stanley is a character in a book who gets squished flat and now gets to have all sorts of adventures because he can be mailed.

So like I said he came to visit us. He got to hang out with my youngest while she was doing crafts.

He also got to met our kitten, Gizmo. I don't think he had such a fun time with him. He got a couple bite marks on his little hand. He'll be okay though. The kitten liked to cuddle with him during one of his many naps.

Flat Stanley even got to go with us to our area's Family Fun Day at a local park. He did lots of crafts, rode ponies, saw farm animals and even got to see a state police helicopter close up. Maybe a little too close.

If you want to do this fun project with your kids. Visit for free printables under their Resources link.

* I was not compensated in any way for this blog post or for referring you to the link contained in the post.

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