
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

I wanted to just do a fun post today, so I created a list of my favorite things. Yes I was singing the song from "Sound of Music" in my head. LOL

1. My Journal -  "Markings" by C.R. Gibson.
I carry this with me everywhere in my purse. I am constantly writing in it. It's my way to vent, figure things out, document my family's lives, and get my ideas out.

Mine is full of little stickers (from my kids school work), endless lists, and even a pocket in the back for special papers. I've used this particular journal for over 3 years now and love the size and feel of it.
I purchased it a WalMart, but they also sell it online at Amazon for about $9.  It is made of leather or leather-like material and is approximately 8"X5".

2. My iPhone 4
I always have this with me. Unfortunately it's usually glued to my hand. I'm either playing Doomsday Preppers, checking my email or playing on Facebook. Plus that's how I talk to hubby throughout the day - via texts.

3. Diet Soda
Yes I'm fully aware of how bad it is for me, but I'm addicted. I don't even care which brand (Coke,  Pepsi or Aldi's brand). This is one of the bad habits I would love to give up but find so hard to do.

4. Inspirational Romance Novels
I've been reading a lot of inspirational romance novels lately. I especially like the stories set in the American Mid West in the early 1900s. I love reading about what life was life back then.
My favorite author right now is Lauraine Snelling. I'm just finished reading all of her Daughters of Blessing Series. I'm a huge public library fan, so that's where I find the majority of my reading material.

5. Harry Potter
My kids and I are Harry Potter fanatics. Yes we've been on, watched and own every movie, read and own every book and my oldest even has a wand.

I'm not big on witchcraft or casting spellings - I just like the stories of good and evil, friendship and watching the characters grow up.

6. Just Dance 4
My oldest and I love this game for Wii.  We get a bit competitive.  My favorite dance is Rock and Roll by Skrillex.  It reminds me of my younger years when I was on my high school dance team and a local cheer/dance squad. Plus it's my favorite way to exercise.

7. Taking Photos
My kids call me the paparazzi. I'm always trying to snap a picture of them. I don't want my kids to grow up and not be able to remember all the great times they had growing up. I try to get shots of them being themselves - goofy, silly, serious, laughing, expressive, etc.

Well since 7 is my lucky number I will stop there. Please feel free to share some of your favorite things in the comments section. I'd love to hear them.

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