
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Clothes Shopping With Kids


It's no fun going shopping for clothes when you have to bring kids with you. I had to take all 3 kids (13, 11 and 8 yrs) to the store this morning to get Easter outfits.

My two oldest kids hate shopping. My boy will wear almost anything you give him. My oldest wants nothing pink and loves bright crazy colors. My little one is a girly girl and wants shoes and accessories to match just don't touch her hair.

We went to one store (Marshall's) and found 2 dresses for them and a top for me. We were in and out in one hour. Not bad.

I don't go to Marshall's very much - maybe once a year. This time I found a long brightly colored dress for my oldest for $39.99 made by Calvin Klein originally $68.00. My youngest found a cute peach colored dress (pictured above) for $14.99 originally $24.99. Plus I found a cute top for $14.99.  All in all - not too bad.

We're more of a thrift store kind of family. I love hunting for bargains, but every once in a while I love shopping for bargains at regular stores.

I made sure my boy had his Nintendo DS to keep him busy. Believe me it was a life saver. Girls trying on clothes - need I say more.

Some other ways I keep my kids busy and quiet while I'm shopping especially trying on clothes are reading a book, or bringing a doll or small toy to play with. My only rules are: it has to be quiet, it has to be small, they have to carry it, and it can't be sold in the store we are going to. They also have to pay attention where they are walking, so they don't run into people.

Please feel free to share other ways you keep your kids quiet and occupied while you are trying to shop or run errands. I'm all ears :)

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