
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mommytime Monday - Peer Pressure

We've all heard about peer pressure. It's talked about by counselors and teachers at most schools nowadays.

...but what about peer pressure felt by moms by other moms.

How many times have you been asked to volunteer at your kids school? Can you make the costumes for the school play? Can you help run the bake sale? What about all the fundraisers? Questioned about why you haven't volunteered in your child's class or at scouts?

We need to remember as women and moms that everyone is different. Not all moms enjoy the same things or can do the same things. Not everyone has the time to volunteer regularly.

We as women need to be more assertive. We need to pick and choose what is most important to us and our families.

As moms, we too, can feel pressured by our local schools and other parents to give up time and energy to help out in our children's schools. I urge you to help out your children's schools in ways that you feel comfortable with. That may mean making costumes, donating items to the bake sale, or if it's something you feel okay with volunteering in the classrooms. You may not have time to do any of those things and that's okay too. You need to do what's best for you and your family first and for most.

Just like we teach our children - don't give in to peer pressure.

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