
Monday, March 01, 2010

Mommytime Monday - Get Everything You Want In Life

I attended a conference quite a few years ago where one of the speakers told me about a little trick to get everything you've every wanted in life. It's a very simple task. Almost too easy.

The presenter told me to break out a sheet of paper or a small notebook. On that piece of paper write down everything, and I mean everything, you want in life. Another option is to cut out photos of what you want and glue it all to a page. This works great for visual learners like myself.

Here are some things you may want to add to your list. A new mini-van, new floors for the dining room and living room, new windows for the whole house, new clothes, etc. Whatever you personally want.

Somehow I've managed to get almost everything that has ever been on my lists. I don't know how, it just works. It doesn't always happen immediately, but it does work. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Feel free to share your comments, your lists and more.

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