
Monday, March 29, 2010

Mommytime Monday - Find Peace and Quiet at Home

Can you really find peace and quiet at home when you have kids running around?

Let's face it there are times when every one of us needs to get away from the kids. You just need 5 minutes to yourself. With no one asking you a million questions, complaining that their brother/sister is bothering them or that they're bored.

Here are a couple ways you can steal away for 5-20 minutes or more (depending on your child's age).

Let me explain - I'm not saying it's okay to leave your child unattended in an unsafe manner. Never leave your child in a car, in a infant walker or any other place where the child may become injured.

One of the first ways is to set the child up with their favorite movie/tv show. Another option is one they have never seen before and seem really interested in. This will give you 15-30 minutes or more to lay down on the sofa and relax and catch a few zzz's. You're still in the same room and would be able to hear your child if they needed you.

The second way you can get some peace and quiet is put your child down for a nap. Even kids 5 or 6 can still need a nap during the day. Just avoid the common trap of trying to get stuff done while they are sleeping. You should be resting also.

It may sound counter-productive but arrange a play date for older kids. Kids from age 5 and up are pretty good about playing with other kids. Especially ones that don't get to come over often. They are too busy showing off all their toys to come bug Mom.  Set the rules ahead of time and you shouldn't have much trouble.

Of course, there's always waiting until the kids have fallen asleep. However, sometimes you just can't wait that long.

Lastly, if you have an infant and need a couple minutes utilize the car seat or a play pen. Just make sure if you use a car seat that the child is fastened in and the handle is locked into position. Using the car seat is a wonderful way to take a shower or bath, because the baby is right there next to the tub.  You can carry them into the kitchen, so you can watch the baby while fixing dinner. Plus they can see you.

Just a couple ways you can get some peace and quiet while at home with your kids. Let's face it we all can use some down time.


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