
Friday, January 01, 2010

So Much Coughing

What a way to start off the year. Like many others, I've been a bit under the weather lately. Mostly a cough from post nasal drip. Yuck!  I finally broke down and went to the doctors this morning.

Anyways, my primary doctor told me about a neti pot about a month ago. He suggested I use it on my daughter who was having a really bad cough that just wouldn't go away. Well, we bought one at our local drug store and read all the directions. To sum it up, you fill up the container with distilled water and a special mix and pour it in your nose. (Make sure to follow the directions because otherwise it will burn). Need less to say, we were too afraid to try it.

Well I reached a point with my cough were I couldn't take it anymore. My stomach even hurt from coughing so much, so I got desperate and gave the neti pot a try.

To tell you the truth I was scared. Would it feel like I was drowning??? Actually no. It only felt weird as the water got to the back of my throat. ( I could have been holding my head wrong). That wasn't even back - my natural reflex was to swallow. No big deal. Afterward, my nose felt so clear. It was actually a good experience.

I didn't see anything come out except water (no mucus). I gotta say I would do this again.

You may have different results, based on your symptoms. Check with your doctor or a pharmacist. I'm simply a customer who tried out this product and wrote about my experiences. I hope it relieves some concerns others may have about using this product.

By the way, I was not compensated in any way for this post.

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