
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tip #25 Get Stuff for Free with Freecycle

My favorite tip to help moms and everyone else for that matter is to utilize is a site that encourages people to offer items they no longer need to their neighbors to pick up free of charge. There is no trading, selling, etc allowed. This is a give and take website - not always take.

This site is great for those who can't afford Christmas presents for their family, young parents needing baby supplies, people moving to a new (or new-to-you) home, or anyone just needing to save money.

Freecycle is an environmentally friendly business. It keeps stuff that can still be used out of our landfills and into the hands of people who really need them.

I've listed lots of items on my local Freecycle site including clothes, Halloween costumes, toys that my kids no longer played with, and various household items. I've also gotten a couple items such as a file cabinet (ugly & rusted, but works fine), scrapes of fabric (perfect for small doll clothes for my daughter), and jewelry making supplies.

Freecycle is a 100% free site (no sign up fees, no listing fees, etc.). This site is broken down by states and cities, so find the one closest to your home.

So enough talk - sign up, clear out some of your clutter and list them on the site. You'll feel better with a cleaner home and someone else will be happier with your old treasures. Check out the for complete details.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Another great place to give and get items for free is ReUseIt
    " Our goal is to find new uses for unwanted items that would otherwise be thrown into the trash. The primary benefit is that it reduces the amount of reusable items that end up in the trash with a secondary benefit of reducing the overall amount of items thrown into landfills."

  2. Thanks for the info. Great site!
