
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tip #23 Family Game Night

Here is something my family has been doing for years and my parents did it when I was little. We had game nights. My parents had another couple over with their kids and we all played cards or board games. It doesn't cost a lot and it's a great way to create memories together.

As children we played Slap Jack, Old Maid, 500 Rummy or War. I mean a deck of playing cards costs about a $1 at the local dollar store or department stores. We had our own card playing area with snacks likes chips or m&ms.

For those who prefer to play board games try purchasing a new game when they are on sale or every month or so depending on what you can afford. Try yard sales, thrift stores, etc. when shopping for board games. You can always replace the batteries and use different pieces if some are lost.

Try holding family competitions. One example is to post the winners on the refrigerator for the month and whoever wins the most gets bragging rights.

For more high tech families try renting a video game for your gaming system. Let each person practices for a little while see who can pass a certain level or get the highest score.

Start creating fun and lasting memories with your family and the awesome thing is it doesn't cost a lot of money.

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