
Sunday, February 08, 2009

HMAH Tip # 14 Spring is in the Air

Here in Maryland it's 62 degrees today. I'm getting spring fever and have already started dreaming of my garden this year.

Well, on my trip to Wal-Mart on Friday I noticed they are starting to put out the gardening supplies. Each year I spend all of $20 on seeds, potting mix and Miracle Grow fertilizer. That $20 gets me, my family, and neighbors $$$ in fresh vegetables each year. You can save that kind of money too.

No Excuses! It doesn't matter if you have a large plot of land, a small back yard or a really small balcony; you can grow your own fresh vegetables in containers. You don't need a lot of money either. I use .20 package of seeds from Wal-Mart each year not some expensive brand that costs $5 per package. Lastly, you don't need to have a green thumb. Simply add water and sunlight and remove the weeds :) more excuses!

Have fun dreaming of the warm weather that's soon to come!

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