
Friday, February 20, 2009

HMAH Tip #17 Schools Out - It's a Snow Day :)

Has your child's school ever closed early due to power outage or inclement weather and you didn't know about it because you were out at a doctors appointment or running errands?

Well, this is totally cool website that will help you out during the school year assuming you have school age kids. It's call It notifies you when your child's school is closed, delayed opening or closing early for any reason.

Here's how works. You find the name of your school on their listing. Their service covers schools in 23 states across the USA.

Once you find your child's school you can sign up for one of 2 service plans. There is a basic plan and a plus plan.

The Basic service where they send you an email with the school's message. The basic service is free (not a trial). If you are able to check your email throughout the day or check it from your phone this would work for you.

They also offer a SchoolsOutPlus service which will send you a text message to your cell phone with the school's message. This service is $19.95 a calendar year for example February 1, 2009-January 31, 2010. I have personally used the Plus service and loved it! It is really helpful for those of us who are out and about and aren't able to check our email throughout the day.

Hope this service helps you as much as it has helped me. Have a wonderful day!

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