
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HMAH Tip #16 Use Multiple Coupons to Rake in the Savings

You can save major bucks by combining store coupons or sales and manufacturer's coupons. Yes, using coupons alone can save you some money, but you really start saving when you combine the sales or store coupons and the manufacturer's coupons together.
Here's why:

Retail price of item X = $2.99
Item X's sale price or after store coupon price = $2.50 or 2 for $5
Manufacturer's coupon = $1 off 2
Price with store sale or coupon plus manufacturer's coupon = $2 each

By combining the two you save an extra $.50 per item or $.99 total. Now that may not seem like much. Now consider that item is a box of cereal and you buy one box every week. That's a savings of $.99 a week or almost $52 a year for just that one item.

Now I know you probably thinking that's great but who gets coupons and sales every week for cereal?

You can and here's how. When you find a coupon for an item you use all the time, swap or trade for as many copies as you can get. Ask friends, family, fellow church members, co workers and online friends if they will trade with or donate their extra coupons to you. Once you get a bunch of coupons for the item wait for the item to go on sale and buy as many as you can. Stock up!!!

Another place to look for coupons is . This site allows you to find printable coupons, trade with others and lots more. That site has pretty much anything coupon related. Plus, Target store fans really need to visit this site - awesome printable coupons. Check it out!

To summarize: Shop sales and use coupons to get deep discounts! Have fun and happy shopping!

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