
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tips of the Week

These are some of my favorite tips I've learned from my mom, mother-in-law and friends. I thought I'd share them with you.

Tip #1
Rubbing alcohol makes a really great window cleaner. It also works well on mirrors and chrome. It is really cheap ($.89 a bottle) and doesn't leave streaks.

Tip #2
If you have more than one kid you probably have heard "It's My Turn!" screamed almost daily. Well we printed out a blank monthly calendar and listed each person's name on a day. Ex. Becky on the 1st, Drew on the 2nd, Jenny on the 3rd, Becky on the 4th, etc., etc. That person get's to be the first in line, gets the special seat in the car, gets to watch their favorite tv show. You get the idea. It has cut down on the fights in our house considerably.

Tip #3
Give each person a basket or bag for their stuff. Whenever my kids want to bring their toys into the living room, they know they will have to put them away. I gave each kid a bag with their name on it and every so often during the day they have to collect their toys in the bag and take it back into their rooms. This works really well with small hands who can't carry much.

Hope you enjoyed these tips. I'll post more next time. Have a great day :) !


  1. If you use newspaper to clean your windows instead of papertowels you get a streakfree shine. It's amazing.

  2. Thanks for the tip. Using rubbing alcohol doesn't leave streaks either. It evaporates, I guess.
